Journal Entry 1

Date: 07.03.2023

Thinking and thonking.
Drafting a level.
Checking if objects can behave in the desired way.
Realizing it's way too short.
Adding parts.
Shipping it even though it's still short.

Invested Hours:
Yes. About 5 hours of actual work, another 5 of playing around in Unity.

See attached PDF.

Just make a level, how hard can that be?
It can be so hard...
I don't think it's a great sign that I am creatively struggling here, at the start of the gamedev specialization, but I knew that was gonna happen, going into it. The level I made utilizes just one mechanic in few different ways, as it showcases it to the player and what they can expect of it in future levels of this imaginary game. Which meant that I did not want to repeat the same interaction, and that made coming up with new parts difficult for me alone. I'm looking forward to whatever feedback will come my way in class regarding this.


ProjectA.pdf 806 kB
Mar 07, 2023

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