Journal Entry 2

Some more thinking.
Reading feedback.
Adding responses to feedback to the Design.

Invested hours:
Around 3 hours.

Attached PDF.

Somehow there was not enough feedback and too much of it at the same time, and all of it felt relevant in some way. That resulted in increased canvas size, to fit answers to the issues I found most important. However, due to the computer screen limitations, I think I didn't use this extra space almost at all, plus I couldn't come up with a good graphical showcase of most of the answers, so the new design is crammed with text and I am aware of it. I'd need to go print it again, see how's the font/image size, and adjust. As the famous quote goes; If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.
One thing about the feedback I'd like to talk about is the level's/mechanic's implementation details. I have added my notes about the implementation to this document, because I've been asked by my colleagues about them a lot, and it also seemed like they wanted to reinvent the already existing Unity wheels many times, and I wanted to spare the person who receives this project that reinventing. On the other hand, I don't think these details belong in this document, I mean, it is DESIGN, not implementation documentation, right? Personally, I'd put them on the second page of this One Page Design with the intention behind it being that the first page will be fancy images and diagrams filled with arrows and colors that should hook the passerby programmer, and once the hook is in, I throw the second page at them, so they can go make it.
As it stands right now, the document gets a passing grade from me, but I am not super happy with the changes to it in the second iteration.


Mar 15, 2023

Get Project A

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