Journal Entry 1

Date: 29.03.2023


Thanks to the RNG roll of 'KEEP', I got to take a break from Unity. This is because I already have the basic structure of the level done, including the core pushable platform mechanic, from my work in the design phase week (see Journal 1 of Project A). The core image of the level in the design is not an artistic representation of the level using GameKit assets, it's literally a screenshot of the level I have already made, and since there has not been any (neither positive nor negative) feedback to the layout, I plan to use it for Project B. Similarly, all of the level's functionality I have already thought of beforehand, either before the feedback phase, or after it, so I know how I want each part of the level to behave.
Finally, thanks to the non-mandatory scripting tutorials, which I have went through the week before this, I know that implementing this functionality is possible and I have ideas how to do so. I could have done it this week, but where's the fun in doing things ahead of the deadline....

Get Project B

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