Journal Entry 3


Implemented solutions to problems deemed important by playtesters. => major ones in previous devlog
Added some decorations around the level.

Invested hours:
Around 4 hours.

See attached build. I consider this the final version of the Project B *for now*, but I reserve the right to release Final-er and Final-est versions before the deadline.

I feel like I've got nothing much to say, similarly to last feedback session, I simply went and changed the things that me and my colleagues (playtesters) agreed needed to be changed. And as I've said above, most of them I've added in the comment of the previous journal entry. The only one of them for which I've decided to implement a different solution was the key hitbox, where I did not realize the Colliders do not have specified layer individually. I googled up a recommendation to put the Collider components into child objects of the main object, and specify the layer of that, but that seemed complicated and I wasn't quite sure it was going to work, thus I opted for a scripting solution, where I added one more Collider component, initially disabled, with a simple shape that prevents getting stuck, and I swap to that when the key is about to be pushed down, then swap back to the complex shape once the key is in its hole.
The super annoying acid splash I bypassed by increasing the mass of the concerned platform, which makes it harder for Ellen to give it speed, so when it hits the acid, it's moving slower, it's not as big of an impact, and the splash is not as high.

Files 84 MB
Apr 15, 2023

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Update 15.04.2023
Fixed some layer sorting incostinencies and z-fighting.
-> updated build