Journal Entry 2


Work on a functioning build of my project.
Mild amount of googling "Why can't I see X".

Invested hours:
Around 10 hours.

See attached build. It is a simple level intended to be one of multiple in a platformer-puzzle game, so the final exit door would lead to the next level (in current build they restart the only existing level).

First off, 10 invested hours seem like a lot to me, but I did nothing last week, and it turned out that I in fact had a decent amount of things to implement, so I'm not complaining. And it was slightly more fun to work on this, than debug the regular kind of code we see in other courses.
Unlike the Project A, there was not much creativity needed here, and I think that's what was intended. I simply went along the design document, and checked off boxes, then did minor self playtesting at the end, to make sure everything behaves as expected.
Biggest challenge was surprisingly the part that I thought was gonna be the easiest and that was making sure the platforms don't fly off to weird places. (That's what my level is about, btw, if you're reading this before seeing the level itself, push platforms from one place to another to progress.) I expected to just tick the Constraint boxes on and off, but this caused the platforms to behave weirdly while colliding with each other (or rather it made them not collide, in certain scenarios). So the Constraint boxes had to be limited to places where they are absolutely necessary, and can't collide with anything (or at least not visibly).
Other challenges included Particle system working in editor but not in game, which was caused by the system's position being too far away from the 2D plane of the level, so the close up game camera did not see the particles, or a Box not being buoyant enough to support (apparently overweight) Ellen if she jumps from a certain height, and general collision issues where things refused to collide/trigger even though their layers were supposed to.

Files 73 MB
Apr 05, 2023

Get Project B


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Known Issues (from playtest session) and Proposed Fixes:
THE BOX IS STILL NOT BUOYANT ENOUGH and the falling platform + Ellen splash the acid too high causing Ellen to get hit. -> adjust numbers

It is possible to get stuck between the concave key's hitbox and the tilemap (it is also possible to then repeatedly jump to push the key and yourself back up, but I'd rather the player not have to do that). -> have different hitbox for key x player and key x terrain, because I do need this shape for the puzzle to make sense and work

The reset switch position in the last room is too close to the puzzle, which leads to accidental activations. -> push puzzle further away

The first two platforms of the level do not reset on death, which can lead to softlocks, as the second platform cannot be easily pushed once above the acid. -> implement reset on death

If the level is restarted by going through the final door, the cutscene in the final room does not play on the next playthroughs. Maybe also after manual restart, but I am not sure, need to try this specifically. -> nothing, if only the first part is true, because the level restart is there only for playtesting purposes and would instead be replaced by loading a new level, in the imaginary finished game / make sure cutscene trigger is reset too, if both parts are true