Journal Entry 1

Date: 18.02.2023

Installed Unity + Hub.
Figured how to make and build projects, and import packages/assets into them.
Worked on the starting template following the tutorials.
Learned how to add control keys to games, and how to quit the game other than Alt+F4.

Invested Hours:
Installations like 30-40 minutes.
The work, not including the first lab itself, but including and this post, about 2 hours.

First impression of Unity is that it's big, really big. If this is the most accessible engine for beginners to build in, oh dear... But I do appreciate that it's a well known engine and thus there are plenty of tutorials; people have struggled with the same things I did. The UI of it is nicely and logically organized too.
What does not make sense to me is that you can make edits during Play Mode, to immediately see the changes, but you can't apply them, and they're lost. WHY? The copy & paste of one component helps, but what if there's multiple...
On the editing part, I am still not quite sure what do materials do, they change the colors in a strange way, or straight up make things transparent. That's not what I imagine a material change would do to an object.

See attached project.

Files 27 MB
Feb 18, 2023

Get Project T

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