Journal Entry 1 - Design

Date: 29.04.2023

A little bit of thinking and designing

Invested hours:
1 or 2 hours.

For Project C, I have decided to make a top-down 2D action-adventure game, where player has control over a little dude that enters a dangerous ancient ruins looking for treasure (very original setting, I know). The dude is armed with an axe because he will have to overcome adversity on his journey which includes: aggressive flora (plants growing fast from the walls trying to hurt him and then blocking his path), aggressive flora (plants spitting seeds at him) and aggressive flora (moving plants trying to slap him with vines).
The main objective of each level/room will be simply locating the exit door, and opening it with a key that is somewhere in the room, while avoiding death.
To aid his axe powers, there will be powerups around the levels as well, like increased damage and movement speed, ability to super jump over obstacles, or burning damage-over-time effect on attack (if I figure out how to implement that). Some of these may even be permanent for the rest of the game, because who knows what awaits in the ruins' depths. ( o_o)
The game will feature single digit number of levels designed by hand, where each level is independent, so dying in one level does not set you back all the way. If I manage, I'd like to add level select option, so the player can go back and pick up permanent upgrades, if they miss them the first time, or just replay a level for fun. This level and upgrade progression should persist through exiting the game. (Again, I don't know how to do this yet, but it's not a complicated idea, I'm sure somebody has done this and I can google it.)

Get Project C - Castle Past

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