A downloadable game for Windows

Final project of NPGR038 Intro to Gamedev course at CUNI MFF.


What was an unimpressive school trip has taken a twist. The door you have taken did not lead you to a bright courtyard brimming with people, but to the middle of overgrown ruins.
The sun still shines bright down on you and your surroundings, but the well-preserved glamour is gone and replaced by tall trees, moldy stones, and mossy roots breaking through them. Instead of the murmur of tourists, you hear birds and wind and... something more. Something that even here seems out of place. The sound of many little legs scuttling around, in between the trees. You can't see anything that would stand out in the blend of green and brown, though.
The door behind you suffered as well, and the collapsed arch does not seem a way back anymore. You collect a partially rusted sword from a long abandoned rack nearby and carefully venture ahead.

Castle Past is a top-down 2D adventure game. You take control of a wee lad armed only with a sword and his legs, and navigate the corridors and streets of an abandoned castle in search of a way back to your time. Castle abandoned by humans, that is, as you will find there is a little bit too much life still going around.
Your journey will be troubled by insentient flora that will grow in your path, as well as... more flora? But it's moving?? These animated stumps have taken this castle as home and don't take kindly to seeing you. (Dare you think what happened to the original residents?) Run or fight them, to preserve your life.
Though you are alone on this adventure, there seems to be another power at work. While exploring the levels, you may come across blessings that will increase the strength of your arm, or legs, or body, which will aid you for the rest of the journey. And perhaps this mysterious helper can be the way home you are looking for, you just need to give it a hand in return.


Everything except art - me

Art -
Tilemap - Cainos (Pixel Art Top Down - Basic)
Enemies - Eddie's Workshop (Sprout, Old Guardian, Old Golem)
Character - dlorenn (Pixel Animated Character)
Root - Xinhui / iCold (Dead Tree 2)
GUI - PaperHatLizard / Cryo (Cryo's Mini GUI)
Icons - cheekyinkling / Shikashi (Shikashi's Fantasy Icon Pack)
Heart icon - HochuPitsu (Pixel Heart and Mana UI)
Font 1 - JackOatley (Pix Riddim from Ikkle Font Pack)
Font 2 - RaisProject (Vampire King)
Main screen BG - Lornn (Fantasy Forest Backgrounds)
Sound effects - Various from freesound.org (Full list in Credits.txt)
Level BG Music - Waterflame (Ambition, Village Up North, Thunderzone 2)

This project is non-commercial, thus qualifies as fair use for all aforementioned assets.


CastlePast.zip 44 MB
Credits.txt 1.4 kB

Development log

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