Journal Entry 2 - Baby Steps

Date: 07.05.2023

Collected assets
Made basic testing space scene
Created rough bases of characters
Solved physics interaction between the basic objects

Invested Hours:
10-ish hours.

Art (obtained)
Physics (done)
Prefabs for enemies' appearance (done for 2/4 enemies)
Prefab for player's appearance (missing Animator)
Knowledge how to make a level (levelled up)
Power-ups (removed from planned, keep only jump and permanent upgrades)

First off, dev logs are not happening on Thursday, on time with the Lab, because that's in the middle of the week, I am rushing to meet deadlines of that week, and don't have time to make progress on this longer-term project, and I don't want to make a dev log "I didn't manage to do anything" because that looks even worse. Going forward, I'll be able to post progress on time, though, hopefully.
Since the last log, I've looked through the provided sources of art assets (thank you again for that), and picked out the ones that fit the theme. (Though a revision, player's character will not have an axe, because I did not find any good looking lumberjack-like art, it's gonna be a sword instead. Not a big deal though, the prince from Sleeping Beauty also cut the rose thorny vines with a sword, immersion not ruined.) You may say "Oh, but the art is the least important thing about the game, you should have focused on the mechanics with basic geometry sprites first" and I hear you, but since I didn't know if I was going to find the proper art for the design I made, it was pretty important for me to do that first, so I could change the design ASAP. But that was not the case, I found all I needed.
Then I put these assets to the test, as I had no idea how to build a scene from scratch (The 2D GameKit had some basic scaffolding, in ProjectB), and I made a small testing ground to release my subjects objects into.
On this testing ground I found that the objects don't exactly interact the way I'd like, there have been collision and pushing issues among them. and it took me several hours to arrive at something that worked, but it is done now.

Next up is finishing the missing animations, then adding hurt-boxes to attack animations and registering damage and death, then basic enemy logic: player near -> chase and attack, then uhhhh, I guess the spawning obstacle roots.
That will complete the core playable part, and then I need to add the wrapping to make it an actual game level. All of this I want to be done with by the next devlog.

Get Project C - Castle Past

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