Release Time!

It is finally the day. After long hours of hard labor, the project emerges complete. I hereby name the Project C - Castle Past


The game about finding your path around a ruin of the time long past, looking for a way back to your time, although this is never mentioned inside the game itself.

The game features 6 levels with increasing scope and difficulty (or at least increasing clear time), each of them hiding two power ups for the player, that are intended to make the following levels easier, and in fact, beating the final level without them is tough (unless you got skillz).
The original gimmick I had in mind for this game, and what I had built it off of, were randomly growing roots from the ground, as obstacles and danger to the player. And sure enough, those are there, albeit in an altered version from what I originally dreamed up, and with their importance to the game scaled down, in favor of generic adventure game.
The combat is very simple one button mash & run from enemy hits, although some enemies are crafty and will attack from a distance. But what it lacks in originality and thrilling gameplay, it makes up for in looks and polish, because wow, I really couldn't leave anything not perfect, or I couldn't fall asleep. There is even the promised save system, that tracks the player's progress persistently.

Massive 'thank you' to all the people in the credits section, though they will never read this. Your art ability has made this possible. <3

Files 44 MB
May 21, 2023

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