Journal Entry 3 - Getting there

Date: 10.05.2023


Invested hours:
I didn't count but I did nothing but work on this since the last devlog on Sunday morning, so 25-30 hours, honestly.

Player behaviour (100%)
Enemies behaviour (100%)
Roots being annoying (200%)
Scene has a completable objective (yes)
Scene transition (kind of)
Persistent data (partially)
Power ups (accomodated class members for them)

Nothing extra interesting happening this week, just coding my life away. Thank god for having three free days this week and that I've done my homeworks earlier in the semester so I could have fully focused on this.
As seen in the outcomes, I've made massive progress compared to the last devlog, or at least it feels like it. I still don't have any finished level to show off, but I have the infrastructure where the level scene will be placed, and it will work. Hopefully.
Player moves and can attack. Enemies move and can attack if player is in range, either melee or long-distance. Both can die if they get hit too much. Roots emerge randomly in the scene, aiming for the player. (The pushing they do can make player stuck in things, but I'm gonna call that one a feature.) There's a key object that opens the level exit gate when picked up.
Big thing I am missing, and that I need to do in the upcoming 7 days is some main screen and all the UI. I have a good idea of what I want, but I have absolutely no idea how to do it yet, because I did not have any UI in my Project B, nor have we had a practical or theoretical class about it. But all functionality I need from it is to display values of variables and give me a screen with designated spaces (aka buttons) that trigger scene transitions, surely that's not gonna be that hard?

Get Project C - Castle Past

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